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jenmattingly1 karma

I think they're referring to the fact that Facebook and Twitter frequently remove content/posts because of violating their terms of service. A DMCA request is probably more of a legal obligation to remove the content which makes it completely different from FB's and Twitter's voluntary content removal policies

jenmattingly-5 karma

How would you defend against these criticisms of many erotic fics? (I'm sure these tropes help to sell more erotic fics but from a literary perspective, they're cringe-worthy):

  1. generic covers (photoshopped/airbrushed shirtless dude with a 6-pack, etc)

  2. usage of vulgar terms to describe genitals & sexual acts (cock, cunt, blowjob, etc) instead of more artful terms like manhood/member, opening/entrance, etc

  3. characters who are too perfect, especially in the case of male characters, which panders to people's superficial nature

  4. inexplicable pairings (Exhibit A being 50 Shades of Gray where an insanely hot & rich guy is inexplicably infatuated with a random woman) which pander to a woman's desire to put herself in the leading lady's shoes

  5. unnecessary detail in sex scenes which is clearly just reader fanservice because it doesn't move the plot forward or develop the characters (and yes, I realize that two characters having sex for the first time is a big change to their relationship but that still doesn't necessitate an explicit description of their entire first time. Just think of when movies fade out on a couple starting to make out and then fades back in with them laying in bed next to each other the next morning--you got the gist of what happened without having to see it).

  6. even when sex starts out as "rape", by the end, the rapee is enjoying the rape (although I don't doubt that this happens occasionally IRL, this is clearly an overused trope in erotic fiction. It seems that few people enjoy true rape fics because of the ultimately depressing & even sickening nature of them)