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jemandtheholograms210 karma

My boyfriend was a marine for four years and encountered some pretty rough stuff. I want to be able to talk to him about his experiences but I'm not sure where the line is for what I can ask. I want to be able to understand where he is coming from but I don't want to prod too much and make him uncomfortable. I know he has hit two IEDs and been in some serious combat situations but I haven't gotten into it too much detail about it. As someone who has been there and knows what it is like, do you have any thoughts on it? Is it something better left not spoken about? I can say my bf has PTSD from it so maybe I need to be careful on what I bring up but I want him to be comfortable discussing stuff. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you for your service and this AMA!

jemandtheholograms53 karma

That's a really good idea. I'll try to focus on the good stories and if he feels inclined to get into other stuff I'll be there to listen. Thanks for the advice. I know he did have to go to counseling for a couple years after getting back just to sort through some things and he is doing much better, but I can still tell that some things bother him to this day (he's been out of the military for around 7 years now).

jemandtheholograms13 karma

Thanks for the advice. I try to be supportive regardless of what is going on. He always tries to put on a happy face even if I know he has a bad day (puts up with a lot of bs at work) and I just do my best to be there for him and listen if he needs it. He always does the same for me too.