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jelliknight96 karma

we simply don't have the data to fully appreciate the long term human effects.

this is commonly said. How long and how many independent studies would it take to convince you it was harmless?5 years and a dozen studies? 10 years and 300 studies?

Humans have already been eating GM foods for over 20 years and over 600 independent studies have found no link between GM food and any kind of negative effects on health.

It's very similar to what people used to say about mobile phones in that not only is there no data showing they're harmful and plenty of data showing they're not harmful, there's not even a realistic or proven mechanism by which it could possibly be harmful. You don't absorb genes from your food. If a GM tomato has essentially the same chemical make up as a non-GM tomato there's no realistic way it could be worse for you.

jelliknight3 karma

we don't really want it to crash, we want it to land

jelliknight2 karma

here has to be some way to stop the baby boomers buying two to several houses.

tax the shit out of investment properties.

jelliknight2 karma

What about toilet paper?

jelliknight1 karma

That looks like such a beautiful life. Thanks for doing this AMA, I think you're right about the best things to take from each culture.

So it's probably vulgar but toilet paper and toilet habits are my main question. Do you use toilet paper on the island? What did you use before that and were there any problems with it? I see in the pictures you're building a toilet, have they always been used or is that a western influence? What about privacy, is it not a bit deal? What about contamination of food or water sources? I assume the men just wizz anywhere, do the girls just squat wherever to pee or is that frowned on?

I'm asking because I'm interested in sustainable living and poo seems to be the hardest to figure out.

Also good on you for stealing that bulldozer!