Highest Rated Comments

jeepbrahh46 karma

Hey, I bought your invention from Kickstarter. I liked the idea, but not the execution. Particularly the flexibility and noticeability of it. Have you made any redesigns or plan for redesigns?

jeepbrahh14 karma

What was the first version made out of? It definitely looks more fluid. I wish i didnt throw out the 1.0 to compare them.

jeepbrahh4 karma

Ive never listened to Master Dong, why should I start now?

jeepbrahh4 karma

I have been an on/off acoustic player for about 3 miserable years. I try so hard at times to get better, and play songs, and push myself to learn, going on a week long binge, but I get so frustrated with it all and then stop all of a sudden because I dont see progress. Any advice to end my stupidism?

jeepbrahh3 karma

Im not quitting. I just want to get past this hurdle of simple chord progressions