Highest Rated Comments

jc731722 karma

Adding the exemption might be the way this sells. My issue with high capital gains and corporate taxes is that it hinders middle class entrepreneurship because the tax burden becomes frustrating to navigate. But exempting the first 250k before the higher rate kicks in would make sense.

Hell you could do progressive capital gains if you wanted. But at this point taxing it lime income and eliminating capital gains entirely might make more sense...

Edit: thanks for the gold and silver strangers!

jc73131 karma

The real mvp.

jc73112 karma


jc7316 karma

Are all waffle houses still supposed to be posted no conceal carry? I've heard a rumor about that on the Internet where all things are true, but was recently in a Texas WH and it wasn't posted.

Edit: thanks for the answer. The Internet is a lying mistress not to be trusted.

jc7313 karma

The Internet lied to me.

Is my entire existence a lie too?