Highest Rated Comments

jaychuck_18 karma

Bold response.

jaychuck_10 karma

Thanks for doing this guys. I'm a long-time fan of The Thermals. I had a chance to see you at Maxwell's in NJ last month, but I missed out. Heard it was amazing. I'll have to catch you guys when you swing back around sometime.

I was curious how the songwriting process has developed throughout all your albums. Do you set yourself to want to write, or does it come to you naturally? What have been your past writing influences?

jaychuck_3 karma

Sorry guys, but Revolver is the correct answer. GJ Kathy!

jaychuck_1 karma

Thanks guys for the insightful answer!

On the topic of songwriting, I don't remember where online but I know you, Hutch, said that every time you write, you try to match the quality of "Doe" by The Breeders. Do you think you've ever reached that point?

edit: source - http://pitchfork.com/features/guest-lists/6445-the-thermals/

jaychuck_1 karma

How do you guys go about scheduling all the acts? Over 80 acts is a lot to handle. I would imagine the bigger acts get the later time slot than the smaller acts, but how do you figure out who goes where and when they perform and if it's during another similar act that people will be upset to miss? Is it all in your hands or do the artists have any say in the matter?

And with that said, when can we expect to see the full daily schedule?

Also thank you for holding and growing this festival over the years for the east coast. This is going to be my first music festival since Warped Tour 2007 and I'm assuming a lot has changed since then, but I'm very excited.