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jaj59549 karma

milas ellinika?

Also, when did you decide you wanted to become a writer?

jaj59545 karma

Hi Lauren, Thanks for doing this AMA. The WBC controversy has actually interested me for a while, because I am fascinated how this cult can exist.

Here are my questions:

1) Why is Phelps doing this? Is he genuinely insane? Is he interested in publicity?

2) Are you still in touch with any members of the church?

3) Would you ever go to a funeral picket again, but this time to confront them?

jaj59544 karma

ahh i figured, sorry, what i meant was, "what sect are your parents?"

jaj59543 karma

Cancer has claimed the lives of so many close people to me. I wanted to say you sound like an incredibly brave person. I admire you doing this AMA. I'm sure everyone else reading this AMA thinks the same of you.

I guess I have one question. Did anyone else in your family ever have colon cancer?

jaj59542 karma

Do you have an opinion on the Republic of Georgia? When I was in Russia, I made friends with a kid from there my age back then-- he's a lawyer now, seeking to immigrate to the UK. He's extremely critical of Russia and its influence of former Soviet republics.