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jaina_jade309 karma

I volunteer at the USHMM and there are people who come to the museum with the intention of confronting survivors. Of the confronters most of them are deniers, while others are trying to "Save" them, and yet another group who want to accuse the survivors of being the same as the Nazis because of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Edited for clarity

jaina_jade142 karma

They are gently removed as we don't want to further feed in to their delusion or give them reason for a lawsuit. Up until the shooting a few years ago, groups were allowed to protest directly in front of the museum.

jaina_jade30 karma

except that's a "V" word so Joey might actually understand it :-D

jaina_jade24 karma

I'm confused - did you come down for Artscape in July or the Star Spangled spectacular in September? If she goes to Hopkins, why didn't you contact them to get one of their slots? They have trucks at the hospital and university, plus remote locations. If you did the SSS, why not partner with UA right by the fort - they are food truck crazy and help sponsor the food truck rally. That and it didn't rain at Artscape - tho it did one day at SSS but again that goes back to what event you actually came down for. Especially since SSS was something like 10 days long

Sorry, it just seems like you didn't think things through - which sucks as you seem to have a good concept.

jaina_jade8 karma

is anything being done to supply matching lids to go with the short rectangular recycling bins provided by the city? Or do you know how one could order a bunch to hand out?