Highest Rated Comments

jackster_1388 karma

Hey, I know this is anecdotal but when I was 13 my opiate addiction started, by 17 I was a full blown IV heroin user. When I was 20 I went on methadone for a few years but I quit. My quality of life is amazing for someone who once had my arms neck and legs just covered in track marks. I have two kids, a great husband, my family adores me, ect..There is hope for your sister, and don't let anyone talk her into giving up. Replacement therapy is not a bad thing (methadone, suboxone) and she needs to focus on quality of life. When you have your needs met it's amazing what demons you can conquer. Best of luck to you, and your sister.... Oh I also wanted to add that my brain continued to develop in normal human fashion Throughout my teens and early years, she's not a damaged, chewed up piece of gum, she is a changing evolving person.

jackster_959 karma

That's alright at the end of the night you would expect a tip and so would I.

jackster_577 karma


jackster_224 karma

That is horifying, I'm truly sorry that you saw your sister in such a state of desperation. I cringe when ever I think of how broken my mom's heart must have been when she found my dope kit in my jelly belly sample pack box that she bought me. Don't forget to take care of yourself and your own feelings. Try not to be angry, but don't burry your anger in sadness. One day at a time.

If you feel like you need to do something to truly help her: Make sure that your sister has access to a needle exchange, methadone clinic, an ampule of narcan, and a health department that gives out free condoms and birth control. No telling how many diseases I would have and where I would be without these...my kids probably wouldn't exist. I might not either. You might think that this is enabling, but it's only too late when you're dead.

Also it sounds like your sister has been seeking help for her problems, which is awesome! but choosing a psychologist is like choosing an SO, you have to find one that you connect with or it ends bad. There are great, compassionate, open minded doctors, then there are the ones who expect you to fit into a text book, and pushes medication for every little thing (I once told my psych doc that I felt out of control when I was angry, he diagnosed me with a personality disorder and put me on antipsychotics that made me gain 120lbs, I never needed the medicine and then I had to work even harder to fight depression and loose weight, that guy was a dick!) I also suggest that you find a psychologist that you like if you haven't already. You seem like a great big brother and if your sister is proud of anything I'm sure it's you. Sorry so long, I am just so very damn passionate about these kinds of things.

jackster_214 karma

My son plays so much Roblox that I read that in the Roblox voice.