Highest Rated Comments

j0nny5257 karma

So, you did your job slowly and carefully, going over each rivet about 9 times to make sure you actually fastened it. I feel better :)

j0nny5170 karma

Is the future what you expected it would be? How is it different? Thanks for the AMA!

j0nny5147 karma

programmed in… multiple techniques.

j0nny5109 karma

Thank you! I should have probably worded it more carefully; when you look at the things around you, such as buildings, cars, fashion, the way that people talk, is it what you expected? Different than your wildest dreams? I'm always curious how the world will turn out, and wish I could peek into 64 years in the future (I'm 30), and see how things turned out :) Thanks again for a wonderful AMA, I hope I make it anywhere near 94!

j0nny586 karma

I feel like a unit of measurement is in order here... 3.7 Massengills?