Highest Rated Comments

itzjamesftw81 karma

Obviously we would like to step in and address situations before they blow up.

In context of Boston Bombing.

itzjamesftw55 karma

What was it like working with Curt Schilling? As a baseball fan it always intrigued me that he also had deep gaming roots, it's not a common transition from professional baseball to MMORPG.

Love your work btw!

itzjamesftw36 karma

I hope this question doesn't seem out of line, but it's just the general curiosity. Was your stalker attractive? I mean, if you would have met casually, and not under these circumstance, would of you found her attractive?

The reason I ask, is because due to the memes, jokes, and mannurisms of the Internet, the stalker card usually gets labeled on the nerdy kid, the kid with acne, the quiet kid, etc. This may fit the bill, but I think it's a general misconception. I don't think there is a face to a stalker.

itzjamesftw3 karma

Hey Steve, no question here as I live about three blocks from the Warehouse. I've seen Poison the Well on a 125 degree day. I've danced to Sherwood, I've Moshed to I set my friends on fire, I've enjoyed the local flair, I've seen some of my favorite bands and some great up and comers. I've donated in the past and wish I could give more. You've done a great thing for music fans in this area. Though I've grown on to different music, I just wanted to thank you for your time effort and enthusiasm you put into the warehouse.

Rock on.

itzjamesftw1 karma

I work full time for FantasyCruncher. If you have any specific questions feel free to reach out to me.