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itsyaboyaccountt12346 karma

I'm happy to answer this as i don't work for those, if you think those with money all earn it by fraud then you are mistaken - i work with those with a passion and means

Have you ever heard of the phenomenon of capital accumulation? Being born rich makes it easier to become even richer.

itsyaboyaccountt12344 karma

This is true, but not a phenomenon - just a social truth. Most people will never get rich, then again, most people aren't horribly motivated to make their own way.

The problem I see is that people are so unrealistic. Saying "if you're motivated enough you'll get rich" is like saying "if you pray hard enough you'll get better".

If you do get rich, you're generally just lucky.

Take Mr. Sims for example. I don't want to be a jerk, but he seems to underestimate the effect that luck has had in his success.

From an interview he gave:

Yes. I was employed and [American Express] got me mixed up with somebody else, and when they realised I wasn’t a graduate they gave me that carrot. Bear in mind that I’m a big lad, and I think the guys in the office thought that if they basically offered to give me no money that I’d bugger off. So when I stood there and said, “Alright, I’ll do it,” I think they were a little bit mystified. But I was very happy I did it that way; it gave me the growth and the focus to actually prove what I’m worth.

So he ended up working for a bank, because the bank confused him with another person.

What are the odds of having such a thing happen to you?

itsyaboyaccountt12344 karma

Thanks for giving us this opportunity.

Do you ever feel some sort of guilt or emptiness inside, seeing as how you spend your life entertaining the new aristocracy of humanity, composed of narcissistic rappers, wall street scam artists and sport stars?

Do you ever wonder if the resources spend on entertaining a select few who managed to suck money out of their fifteen minutes of fame could have been used for better purposes?

itsyaboyaccountt12341 karma

Born and brought up in Ireland, he left school at 14 to work for his father’s construction firm.

How would you recommend young people whose parents don't own their own businesses pull themselves up by their bootstraps?