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itsmebiscuits40 karma

absolutely... used to work in an airport cleaning at night so we would have to do the mens and womens in the area that were closed off and its soul destroying seeing that shit (literally). i gladly cleaned the mens after that!! almost everyone i worked with would say it too!

itsmebiscuits34 karma

not anymore im sitting in an office all night now, but it was my teenage job to go through school and college(various positions in the airport as i got older). definitely gave me a good work ethic i suppose although im a lazy shit now! i suppose id have similar stories about varying levels of shit and people piling out of a flight and destroying the toilets etc. but one ill always remember was a friend went in still drunk from the night before and sobered up as the morning went on and was very very hung over so the supervisor (also a friend outside of work) took a shit on top of the toilet and called him up to it as a joke