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itsjakeandelwood181 karma

Shit, dude, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it's "asked my wife and me."

itsjakeandelwood124 karma

Why do you think smart, ambitious people (I'm assuming like you) start as engineers instead of turning their ambitions toward being a teacher in the first place?

Did working in corporate allow you to get a head start on home ownership and retirement in a way that will make being a teacher easier?

itsjakeandelwood4 karma

The short answer is always check your usage of "my wife and me/I" with just the pronoun. You'll avoid implicitly saying "they asked I to come on the Today Show," which is how the original sentence sounds to editors and grammar assholes like me.

The long answer is that there are several cases of each pronoun. So if you are dealing with first person singular, you have subjective (I), objective (me), and possessive (my), plus reflexive (myself), which is for some reason not considered a pronoun case.

Subjective pronouns are used as subjects. I went to the store, but me didn't go to the store.

Objective pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions. If you are not familiar with objects in grammar, they are basically the direct or indirect recipients of the main action, not the person or thing doing the main action. For example, you asked me a question. You're doing the action, but it was directed at me.

Possessive case is used when the pronoun is the owner of another noun. You can ask for my help, but not I help.

Correct pronoun cases don't change when two people are both the subject, object, or possessor. My wife and I like grammar, but people don't ask my wife and I for grammar advice. They ask my wife and me for grammar advice. The ugly one is the possessive case, which is my wife's and my favorite thing to discuss, but not my wife and I's favorite thing to discuss.

A fun side note is that misuse of pronoun case produces a kind of shorthand for cavemen and pirates. Want to sound like a caveman? Use objective case where it should be subjective: Me so hungry me could eat a wooly mammoth! Want to sound like a pirate? Use objective case where it should be possessive: Keep yer hands off me treasure you scumbag!

Edit: this grammar asshole spelled grammar "grammer."

itsjakeandelwood2 karma

What does the research suggest about the link (if any) between alcohol binging behaviors on college and alcoholism later in life?