Highest Rated Comments

itsadooozy203 karma

(500) Days of Summer is one of my favorite movies. Did they ever consider making a sequel to follow up on your character and Autumn? It didn't really need one but I wanted to know if anything was ever discussed. Thanks!

itsadooozy18 karma

Hi Clark, thanks for doing this!

I loved you in The New Adventures of Old Christine, and seeing you as Agent Phil Coulson is the best.

My questions are, do you have any input in the stories that are developed on Agents of SHIELD? Would you like to direct any episodes in the future? and will you marry me?

itsadooozy3 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA, and I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on pink. Although I'm thankful that it brings money towards a cause near and dear to my heart (my mom was diagnosed 4 years ago, she's fine now), the practices of Komen and many other companies that rely on pink to bring in revenue are terrible, and its nice to see someone bringing light to the rather dark corners of the situation. I wish you the best!!!

itsadooozy2 karma

What was your favorite place to go to in Pittsburgh? Will you be back any time soon? I recommend Pamela's P & G Diner for next time you're in town! They have amazing crepe-style pancakes.