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itcanthurtthatbad235 karma

I've snuck down into the gallows of a huge cruise ship, past the 'no guest' signs... to hang out with crew members at their bar 'Memphis'.

It was so surreal when we finally found it! Open the door and its dark and crowded and every single person looks at you and knows you're an outsider. It totally reminded me of the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars!!! I can't believe you mentioned that.

Ah...that cruise was a crazy, crazy drunken seven day haze. People that live on cruise ships know how to party!!!!

Edit: me no spell

itcanthurtthatbad29 karma

Even once the stitches are out, keep that paper tape over the incisions for a good couple of months. 24 hours a day, shower with it on too, only replace it once it starts to get ratty and dirty looking. You should be able to buy some at the pharmacy or ask your doctor for a roll. Best kind is micropore surgical paper tape. This will slow down the over stimulation of collagen as the skin heals and minimize any scarring.

Source: am RN that worked for a plastic surgeon specializing in breasts for over 10 years.

itcanthurtthatbad2 karma

I would think most atheists are NOT afraid to die. As we understand it is the end of life, not a journey to somewhere above if we are good or somewhere evil if we are not.