Highest Rated Comments

it_turns_out578 karma

Is it bad that as soon as I saw your infograph boob picture I recognized its source?

Edit: thanks, thosefeels, for finding the name: Christie Cavalli

it_turns_out9 karma

why women go from abuser to abuser to abuser

If you like talk radio, listen to some old episodes of Loveline. Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla had a field day every day with how predictable this is. Both victims and abusers almost all had abusive childhoods, and they keep repeating this pattern of abuse all their lives. It's so consistently true, it's amazing most of us are not aware of it.

it_turns_out3 karma

How many guests have you sexed today?

it_turns_out3 karma

Thanks for the answer, good luck with the sexes.

One thing I think would be good is if you put some larger pictures on your website. The ones there now are really tiny, it's hard to see the place.

it_turns_out2 karma

and the weekends are usually slower

!? Really?

Friday/Saturday nights are not the busiest for 911??