Highest Rated Comments

is_this_wifi_organic703 karma

Yo PM me and we can figure out getting you some free weights in my budget, if you're interested.

is_this_wifi_organic482 karma

Well just let me know man. You're doing a lot for everybody just being you.

is_this_wifi_organic11 karma

Thanks for being here, and I'll thank you for the civility, even if this guy won't.

is_this_wifi_organic2 karma

  1. Why is UNL so dominant in space law?
  2. Can you write a little about what you do with the Planetary Society? I'm interested in volunteering with them, but am not sure what kind of work I could do remotely and with zero STEM skills or knowledge.
  3. I am someone who has even less of a STEM background than you do, but I find projects like Voyager and the prospect of space exploration to be among the most inspiring things about being human. What kind of activities, professional, volunteer, or just recreational, would you recommend for someone like me.

is_this_wifi_organic1 karma

One spectacular study that got a lot of press can be seen here: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2010/moral-control-0330.html. Magnetic fields were applied to the right TPJ, affecting the moral judgments of subjects.