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iron_cassowary52 karma

I've only met one person who openly identified as intersex and they also had some flavor of AIS. This person presented masculine and used men's bathrooms because of some extremely negative experiences using women's bathrooms. "All intersex folk are different" seems to ring true here; when I clicked on this thread, I expected to see someone who my brain could not decide if the person I was looking at was male or female, which I experienced with my intersex acquaintance, but instead, I saw someone who was strongly femme, someone who's appearance was not obscurely androgynous, which was not my expectation.

Here's my questions:

Do you think that intersex should be viewed as a gender itself? Would you want intersex to be a valid gender designation on a driver's license, for example? How would your more androgynous amigos like to see the whole bathroom issue addressed once and for all? Do you identify along the gender binary, or do you genuinely feel like you are in no-man's land (sorry couldn't resist the word play)? Or is intersex just an addendum to your gender identity? Or is it separate to you entirely? I wouldn't expect every intersex person to have the same perspective on all of this stuff, but I am curious to read about your varied experiences and opinions.