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iownthesky2244 karma

I don’t think that just because someone doesn’t have any other choice means they can relegate working in a slaughterhouse as ‘just a job.’ I would imagine being forced to work a job you don’t want bc you have zero other options, rather than working a job because you don’t mind it, would make it even LESS of ‘just a job’ and more of a serious detriment to your well being.

I’d also like to bring to anyone’s attention that the system is very much designed to funnel in undocumented immigrants and convicts. These folk can’t report to authorities that their job is unsafe, or not paying legally, or downright abusive— because that’s mean either potentially turning themselves in to customs, or getting sent to their PO. Pretty insidious. And pretty fucking horrid that we treat human beings the same way we treat livestock.

iownthesky2233 karma

Decriminalize Nature is rife with gross and messy approaches to advancing their agenda, lend themselves to silencing indigenous folk, and are just not particularly well versed on anything outside of legalizing “”””plant medicine””””. Chacruna, EntheoNation, and Visionaries Gathering are much, much better resources to start with, from someone that tried very hard to find common ground with Decrim Nature.

iownthesky2214 karma

Do not have IBS. But here’s my answer in a roundabout way: imagine an office full of frazzled employees. You, the boss, get a big workload and email them all that they have 17 pages of reports to be due by the end of the day. You then, five minutes later, tell them to meditate to center themselves for their work frenzy.


You, a boss of a company, ask your employees to meditate in the middle of an otherwise normal day. Just take a moment to center and find calm, and focus on yourself. After they all get a chance to breathe and unwind and refocus, you send them a new, intense assignment.

Which scenario do you think will fare better? The frazzled, stressed group that was dumped on and then asked to calm down? Or the group that calmed themselves prior to taking on new work?

iownthesky226 karma

With being so dedicated to rainforests, do you all follow a plant based diet as well? If so, is it viable in remote locations? Do you depend on self foraged food at times, and what is your unexpectedly favorite foraged food

iownthesky224 karma

How concerned are you about the bee collapse? Do you feel, as someone that is more in the know about bees and how flighty (hehe) their hives/population can be, that there is a huge lack of interest in protecting bees?

Also, thank you for being respectful to Earth's best cultivators. Ups for looking to avoid HFCS.