Highest Rated Comments

insubordinance62 karma

Hey thanks for doing an AMA!

Do the two of you still keep in touch with Scottie? What has she been up to since the show?

insubordinance11 karma

Instead of judging, would you go compete on Dancing With the Stars if asked?

insubordinance8 karma

Thanks for being an awesome role model on TV! ICA really did a great job with promoting the talents and skills of female chefs compared to the original.

Did you make a conscious effort to keep up with new food technology as an Iron Chef, and do you still do it in your own restaurants? It seemed like you were always the one using the immersion circulator, anti-griddle, and liquid nitrogen in the early/middle years of Iron Chef America.

Also, what opponent would you have most liked to face that instead challenged another Iron Chef, and why?

insubordinance2 karma

Say they asked you to go on The Amazing Race with another person you played with on Survivor. Between Denise, Andrea, Skupin, and Corinne, who would you choose and why?