Highest Rated Comments

inscopia5 karma

Hi Hugh,

The Wool series is my favourite series of all time; knocking Oryx & Crake to number 2. I share it far and wide, including the fan fiction written by Ann Christy. I’m happy to hear you’re working on another series, as I have found it hard to leave the Silo behind. I have honestly found nothing like the world you created, and I miss the time I got to spend there. I enjoyed the first 2 episodes and can’t wait for the rest. Like many, I am intrigued by the ending of episode 2, as it is a deviation from the book, but I have since read your comment responding to others about this.

My question:

In what order would you rate your works?

You may choose to order them however you wish; could be by how happy you’re with them, how much you liked writing them, how much you still think about them - are just some examples. Additionally, feel free to limit your response to top 5/10.