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inkdragonfly11 karma

Probably because it's important to her.

inkdragonfly7 karma

At what point does embellishing become problematic? This is something I'm struggling with for fear of getting called out

inkdragonfly6 karma

wtf is that other guy's problem lol

who talks like that irl

inkdragonfly6 karma

For example, typically, if were raised in an Asian household, you are taught to always be polite, reserved, and humble. So I understand why my Asian clients have such a hard time talking about themselves, it feels weird to them. I help them break through that because that is a dating obstacle.

She mentions this in another comment, and in another about how dating can be different depending on your ethnicity (largely in part due to culture contexts).

Your view is valid though! I just want to give you something to think about: when is race unrelated from any context, and who gets to decide that?