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init2winito1o22 karma

Would the advancement of gender-abolitionist social theories hurt the profit margins of the American healthcare industry?

As a transwoman, I've spent a great deal of effort really stepping back and thinking about why I want to transition and I keep finding hat the main reasons for it stem from my own experiences of imposter syndrome, alienation, and generally just an overwhelming desire to conform to a gender norm that I never was allowed to do much self definition of... And after coming to the realisation that the biggest obstacle to me getting any form of transitional healthercare has always been financial barriers, lack of insurance coverage, and a fear of the very real dangers of life after transitioning I just came o the conclusion of "fuck the capitalist system, I'm a real woman if I transition and a real woman if I don't. Death to the corporate patriarchy, to hell with the christo fascists and may all the gender essentialists enjoy a very tall glass of shut the fuck up."

I know that may have been a little vulgar, but it just seems to me like people in the transosphere only get to exist as authentic "realtrans" if they shell out the cash to get passed (pun intended) the gatekeepers of just what defines which gender is what, so I just wanna know what a professional in actually providing the care thinks about all he hoops we have to jump through, the corporate greed that is fed by it and the financial and social gatekeeping behind it all. I mean, I get that your area of expertise is in the medical field, but I've never really had a chance to sit down with a healthcare provider who was allowed to speak off the cuff and honestly about the corruption that gets in the way.

init2winito1o21 karma

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your varied background of experience and would like to know what you have developed out of you discussions on "shame" in opposition to the definition of gender incongruence. I mean, you should probably formulate a study or write a book around it with your peers. We would all definitely benefit from more literature on the subject in the book stores