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informat2178 karma

2015 Open Internet Order =/= Net neutrality

Net neutrality doesn't prevent cell service providers from lowering your speeds after you go over your limit. Net neutrality prevents them from discriminating against certain kinds of data.

informat2140 karma

the only thing in our way is that we haven't yet found enough topics that we're wrong about!

I've got three:

The explanation for why the electors exist from Adam Ruins Everything isn't very good, CGP Grey explains it well.

Grouping herpes H1 and H2. The differences being one is kind of irritating and the other is a constantly painful and makes you life a living hell.

There's a ton of stuff wrong with the video game segment. The thing I'd want to focus on is the "PS4 and Xbox are refusing to serve an untapped market". The Xbox One bet the house on casual/female market by including a Kinect with every console and they then got whooped in sales by the PS4 because the casual/female market doesn't like to buy big ticket items. Here's a link to a study about habits male and female gamers. About the same amount of men and women play video games, but men spend more time playing video games (17.46 hours vs 6.51 hours per week) and more money on video games ($333.92 vs $87.19 per year).

The video game industry has been trying to get women to spend more money on games for years, but no one has been able to crack the "get women to spend $60 on a game at the same rate as men" nut yet. The last time someone was able crack that nut was with Nintendogs (which became one of the best selling games of all time) but then smart phones came in and destroyed the portable console game market (see the sales number for Nintendogs vs Nintendogs 2).

informat23 karma

What's your opinion on subs like /r/ForeverAlone?

informat23 karma
