Highest Rated Comments

indietorch70 karma

Do you have to reorient the patients or do you just go with what they say and not agitate them?

indietorch18 karma

If you could chose to act in a movie or show with anyone, who would it be and why?

indietorch14 karma

What do you want to do for a career?

indietorch14 karma

Hey Zach! I love your work out wednesdays! What ever inspired you do them? And I know we haven't even been on a date yet but....can we collab on a video? I can make you an amazing cup of coffee! (since I do coffee videos and all)

indietorch5 karma

If you don't mind, I'll send you a pm on some collaboration or date. or both! And I think it's my dream to own a super fancy shmancy espresso machine with a foam maker thing on it.

That is the best reason to workout! It's all about lookin good man! edit- realized I should totally ask Zach out on a date