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imitator22597 karma

Don't start eating pizza again just because of this, you know how hard it was to quit the first time.

imitator22121 karma

I Bet that your father would have loved the Olympics production. It was amazing.

imitator22117 karma

I see you posting about politics sometimes on social media, and its always a shame to see you get frustrated with the wave of idiotic backlash you get, particularly on facebook. My question is have you ever considered getting more involved in politics? We really could use some intellectuals running things.

imitator2259 karma

And has your life ever been made "very uncomfortable" by powerful people in the past? Or do you just deal with it and get shit done anyway.

imitator2248 karma

Absolutely not. He is 68, working class & mildly racist. He can't fathom what things like this not just could, but will lead to.