Highest Rated Comments

imbobbathefett16 karma

Never again means never again, shitbird.

Not all concentration camps are death camps and the nazis didn't start out killing Jews for a good long time after they came to power.

You're ignorant of history, you fuck.

imbobbathefett15 karma

MLK also had a message about how moderates like you do more to damage race relations than people in the Klan.

imbobbathefett14 karma

this EXACT thing happens to Varys in book 5.

imbobbathefett13 karma

Letter from Birmingham jail.

You're not preaching compassion. You're calling for silence.

imbobbathefett13 karma

Read the letter from Birmingham jail.

Understand how when he talks about moderates wanting a negative peace where tensions are kept hidden he's talking about people like you.

Realize that he understands you less than he understands a klansman.

Realize that he called moderates one of the biggest hurdles in the struggle for civil rights.