Highest Rated Comments

imakenosensetopeople165 karma

I bet your mojitos are delicious, do you have a recipe you like using your fresh mint?

imakenosensetopeople65 karma

Thank you for doing what you do. This process needs to stop.

Why do you think there is not more outcry from the voters to end CAF? It's good to have organizations like yours fighting it in court, but really if the voters turned this into an issue then the mayor and city council would waste no time ensuring that such CAF would never take place in Albuquerque.

imakenosensetopeople40 karma

Midwest, 20-25 story building? Yep. And the D has a ton of abandoned buildings.

imakenosensetopeople1 karma

Have you watched the BBC reboot of Sherlock, with Benedict Cumberbacht?

Also, a common argument in the US about gun control is that "the criminals won't follow the laws anyways" so it won't really keep guns from the hands of criminals. What is your experience with gun wielding criminals?