Highest Rated Comments

im_friENTly18 karma

Do you care to tell what was wrong with him?

im_friENTly4 karma

Can someone link to the video please?

im_friENTly3 karma

Do you have a life motto? If you do, what is it?

im_friENTly2 karma


My question is, what are some really simple things I can do as far as set design goes to make my short films just a tiny bit nicer?

im_friENTly1 karma

Huge fan here. Since you are saying ask me anything, I am going with anything and just hoping for a reply.

Now that you are a bit older, and seem to have musically matured a lot, how do you view drugs and their influence on art? While you guys never explicitly talk about drug use in your music, (though you could probably draw some inexplicit references) being in the music industry, I am certain you are well acquainted with substances, probably have used them self, and know plenty of people that do.

Thanks for the AMA, I've listened to every album so many times!

Oh, and when do we get starry nights?