Highest Rated Comments

imAndrewBustamante3331 karma

Innocent people don't eat at Chipotle!!

imAndrewBustamante2511 karma

You shouldn't. That's why I left.

imAndrewBustamante2198 karma

Yes - tax them, quality control them, and let consumers choose for themselves

imAndrewBustamante2190 karma

  1. Very little of the news is true, but even less is 'engineered.' Most news sources are desperately grasping for attention, so they say anything that might win 1/2 a percent more viewership

  2. The IC, and the government at large, has a long history of deceiving Americans when it serves national interest. Most deceptions are simply limiting information, but some are openly false information used to misdirect malicious actors who are paying attention to the news.

Your intelligence community is fulfilling it's obligation to meet policymakers requirements, per Federal mandate. The truth is that we have to elect the right policymakers if we want to drive a forthright intelligence community.

imAndrewBustamante2174 karma

Listen. Don't talk.