Highest Rated Comments

ilovelamp42012 karma

I've seen Big g 4 times, and seen you perform with STS9 at Buku fest and with various acts at Electric Forest this year, Big GrizMatik being one of the best acts I have ever witnessed (waiting for Sound Tribe Big GrizMatik Lights). Thank you for bringing funky sax to so many different acts. My question is, who are some acts you want to team up with or just play with in the future?

ilovelamp4202 karma

You and Pegboard Nerds would be filthy together, make it happen!!

ilovelamp4201 karma

Haha would never happen but Dom's sax just adds to every song I hear it in. Be Nice at Buku by him and Tribe was amazing and the double sax at Forest with Griz was too good.