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ijon_cbo57 karma

Do you have a back up of them? Tapes degrade over time.

ijon_cbo15 karma

I would like to read your opinion on ths too.

ijon_cbo9 karma

What about the engines? I do know a bit about commercial shipping and I have been in several different engine rooms of commercial ships - do you select an engineer for an extraction based on the propulsionsystem of the vessel, or do you have a couple of "know-it-alls" that can get any vessel steaming?

What about Food/Water? How do you get enough food rations and water onboard? Do you just trust, that there is enough aboard from the "previous crew" or do you carry rations? How long is a journey on average after the successfull extradition of the vessel?

Also, on a recent reposession of a nice realestate on an island, i was the guy responsible for all the high-tech-trickery, that my crew brought in. Also I have a startup for shipelectronics, but no officers-certificate. would you be interested in reading my CV for your company? I do have a couple of hundred NM under my belt on various vessels, but not more.

ijon_cbo5 karma

This. Or maybe also this:

I personally prefer the moonless night, that is completly pitch-black, when the ship is "floating in light" due to marine phosphorescence and every swarm of fish the ship goes through produces a fireworks light effect just below the surface.

ijon_cbo5 karma

I follow your videostream and it is amazing.

I would like to ask you to give a short description of each building that you built on your property since you bought it. Tell us why you built it, how you've done it (I know from the videos that some quite nice storys are involved) and please tell us the storys, that you havent shared on youtube.

Spoiler: If you are really lucky, he'll tell you about the 4th floor of his house, but nobody ever heard any informations about the secret 5th floor!