Highest Rated Comments

iiAzido289 karma

This is a great AMA 😂

iiAzido120 karma

What are the reactions among protestors regarding Boris Johnson offering an easier track to UK citizenship?

iiAzido73 karma

First of all, thank you for taking the time to reply. You and every protestor in Hong Kong are very courageous, and I admire all of you for it.

Your response is what I had assumed. I don’t think it would be very easy to decide to leave your home country, especially after all the countless months of effort you all have put into becoming independent.

Luckily, it seems the CCP is getting desperate and other countries are actually starting to put pressure on them. Your fight is not going unnoticed.

Good luck, and stay safe.

iiAzido8 karma

For all OP can tell, you're just her husbands friend ; )

iiAzido1 karma

My friend recently passed away (who also had leukemia) after he had complications from the bone marrow transplant. Did you have any scares like that?