Highest Rated Comments

ifiwastheilluminati9 karma

I know both are illegal but is it pretty common for tourists to get hookers and also smoke weed in their hotel rooms?

ifiwastheilluminati9 karma

I would think the key would be to simply stay sober and never lose control of your decision-making? I actually go out of my way to not drink to the point of intoxication because I won't want to post embarrassing things on facebook...

ifiwastheilluminati3 karma

Are you horrified by the millions of non-violent offenders (usually drug related?) being locked away for long times? And what about the privately owned prisons? I can't believe those exist.

ifiwastheilluminati3 karma

So when millionaire whales showup to the casino/resort, no amount of tipping can get the staff to look the other way? :)

ifiwastheilluminati3 karma

In addition to working to change the laws, do you think it would help to provide an alternative cashflow for prison guard unions and the corporations who own private prisons? Wouldn't converting private prisons into cannabis farms be a possible solution the guards and companies could get on board with? The guards could guard the pot and the companies could switch from making profits on people's lives to selling medical weed. I mean, not much else you can do with a prison if you wanted to axe it. But they're secure and rigged with water and electricity.