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ieatatsonic142 karma

As a follow-up, what’s the lowest-quality prototype you’ve thrown together? Quality in terms of components at least

ieatatsonic50 karma

The thing about the board game community is that like all designers are gamers themselves, and just wanna see new cool games come out.

ieatatsonic23 karma

As a T1D myself, I can hardly imagine the state you’d have to be in to take 20 units an hour. At least sounds like the doctors and nurses are on top of things!

ieatatsonic3 karma

I’m a type 1 diabetic looking to possibly being self-employed. T1D has a myriad of complications, between some plans allowing my endocrinologist to do a finger stick to get my A1C and some requiring blood to be drawn at a lab, different plans preferring different brands of insulin which all have minor differences, and even different preferences for pumps, which can vary vastly from pump to pump even under the same brand.

My question is: between different plans asking me to use many different supplies and procedures, and the payment going towards those plans being somewhat large considering the amount of prescription items and doctor visits I have, what can be done and is being done to help smooth the quality of life for type 1 diabetics? Not necessarily in terms of technology, but in terms of policies, regulations, costs, and other forms that insurance can affect?