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idwthis218 karma

Holy crap. Thanks for making me realize he was Mercutio!

I have to go rewatch that now just to see him!

idwthis130 karma

Hell, I remember in '95 I was 12, and we watched the O.J. Simpson verdict on tv in my Home Ec class.

idwthis39 karma

I've never, ever heard about the linen underwear before! It makes sense. Weren't tombs packed with stuff one would need or want in the afterlife? Although I'm sure in the back of mind, I probably always thought everyone would be like "the afterlife is better than here, why would anyone need the bathroom, wouldn't that eliminate half the need for undies" type of thinking that I've always held lol so finding this out is actually surprising.

idwthis34 karma

Pretty much.

A friend of mine is going to culinary school, and I asked her if she's ever watched Hell's Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares. She replies in the affirmative, but then added that Ramsey could yell at her all damn day long and then she'd think about it in the shower afterward.