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ideological_fatling3 karma

Hello Jeff,

Worry. rocks and is awesome.

1) I'm always amazed by how much (great) material you put out with each of your projects. How do stay so prolific? Could you tell us more about your songwriting process--how does it happen that you walk into a room with nothing but walk out with a song?

2ish) I know musicians love music recommendations so, were/are you familiar with the Memphis band Lost Sounds? Their self-titled is perfect synthpunk. I picture you a fan.

Thanks for the AMA and thanks for the music.

ideological_fatling1 karma

Hey Jeff, been a longtime fan since back when ASOB played in the Bronx.

A few of your lyrics mention reading and books, so I ask:

  1. What are your favorite books?

  2. Who are your favorite authors?

You're a huge inspiration and incredibly talented, your ear is brilliant. My music Q is:

  1. A lot of your later stuff has you singing over or along with melodies, how'd you come up with this idea? How'd you hone the technique? The effect is very powerful in songs like Dishes, Everybody That You Love, Shed Some Skin.

Thanks for all the music and for all that you do.