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icysuzy751 karma

It's funny to me, but this is really the most common question BY FAR that people ask me. To start to understand, you have to remember that the baby is totally genetically unrelated to me (weird, huh? it's like having an alien inside me...). The baby is a result of the father's sperm and an egg donor's egg.

I went into this with a very open mind and with the express desire to help another couple have a baby of their own. The baby has never been mine and I have never wanted it to be. It's like babysitting, long term. I compare myself to a glorified storage unit sometimes.

icysuzy533 karma

{{{{wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa}}}} transmission complete

icysuzy379 karma

20k, divided into monthly installments, not including other costs being paid for like all travel, insurance, maternity clothing, etc. Edit: this does not add up to 180k like some people are posting. It is basically 20k for a year of my time and energy. There were quite a few months of planning and preparation before actually getting pregnant.

icysuzy321 karma

YES, sounds like you get it. I told someone, If I let you borrow my car for nine months, then asked for it back, would you be like "Noooo... I'm just too attached to it..."

icysuzy292 karma

I eat better, I take better care of myself, my skin glows, people rub my belly for good luck, my sex drive goes through the roof... it's awesome.