Highest Rated Comments

i_can_verify_this812 karma

What were your reasons for becoming homeless?

I graduated university with alot of debt.

Oh boy... My future doesn't seem so bright.

i_can_verify_this89 karma

I remember there was an AMA of a Guy that survived cancer but had to get everything removed, it was a very sad AMA :(. if i can find it ill link it

i_can_verify_this44 karma

Who are you? are you someone special or just a random guy with family that got a membership?

i_can_verify_this18 karma

Who is the woman that helped you out? By that I mean what was her occupation? She had to have some kind of connections to help you get to where you are now.

i_can_verify_this7 karma

I am a TA for a class called Disabilities in society at Northern Illinois University. Me and my professor are always trying to think of new things to incorporate to the university. That being said when it comes to universal design, what is one thing that you wish was incorporated or needed more of in every public building/ area?

And just a general question for people on reddit/anyone that is uncomfortable to talk to people with disabilities, what is some advice you would give to them so they wont feel awkward?