Highest Rated Comments

iNteg90 karma

Is there a reason you choose not to try to hustle or gamble? can it get you kicked off the tour? or is it just frowned upon?

Edit: Holy shit this kinda blew up, I wasn't trying to offer a zillion options, I just was honestly curious what her reasoning was. I gave an example as something that would as a professional player keep me on the straight and narrow.

iNteg52 karma

One of my favorite movies is Poolhall Junkies, and there's a few scenes highlighting professional Pool Tournaments. Are they huge deals still? are the crowds quiet for you to concentrate or is there a normal amount of noise that you would expect when at a public event? Is it hard to concentrate?

iNteg26 karma

BREAK OUT LUCILLE. (Uncle Phil was a Judge!, he obviously did nothing wrong)

iNteg23 karma

The lack of more Walken. If it was Christopher Walken starring in every single role, that might be the only way it could have been better.

iNteg22 karma

Rock on, thanks for the answer. (I totally don't take it too serious, but I still love that damn movie)