Highest Rated Comments

hxcn00b66621 karma

Wow, what a cunt.

hxcn00b6669 karma

Yes I believe this is the reason why, makes the most sense.

hxcn00b6662 karma

Wow that is amazing. You look great now! I was expecting something like the Hound

Was your friend just as badly injured? I really admire the fact that you were able to forgive the boys. I see their lives turned out rather unfortunate though, so I guess karma got the best of them? Tragic though =/

hxcn00b6662 karma

Everyone says "Don't drink and drive" so you may think you are doing the right thing by bicycling home, but that is just as dangerous. If you are drinking please pay for a taxi, have someone sober walk with you, or stay where you are.

hxcn00b6661 karma

I was just about to do my exit counseling to begin setting up my student loan payments. I'm wondering how your process works. Do your tools and calculators just give estimates of how much you should be paying over how long? Or is it something that will actually help me cut down the cost of my loans?