Highest Rated Comments

hvonn19 karma

Gah, I was in your shoes about two years ago. I have no kids but I know the feelings of fear, helplessness and some shame. My immediate family was in no shape to help me, and my extended family who was , wouldn't. I got belittled, and got told "I told you so" a lot. If your family will help you, ask. If they wont, remember it and cut them out. I no longer bother with any one who couldn't bother with me in my hour of need and desperation. If there is one thing I learned from this situation it was who matters in my life. It's a shitty lesson to learn and a harsh way to learn it but you will be better off for it. You will get thru this and you and your children will come out stronger for it. Good luck and merry christmas. Maybe your gifts this year can be togetherness and possibly taking a walk to see the lights or caroling. Regardless I hope you can find some kind of silver lining. Much love to you and yours.

hvonn17 karma

Damn. I don't know whether to be relieved or let down.

hvonn8 karma

Dude, fuck respiratory infections :(. The same thing happened to my Ball. He was an old dude and one winter he got a respiratory infection and just couldn't kick it despite the best efforts of the vet and I. I cried a lot :(

hvonn5 karma

Jeeeze, I was also on Nuva Ring. I made it on whole, terrible month. I really can't believe how badly my body reacted to it. Glad you are ok!

hvonn5 karma

Python, ball python.