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howisstifflucky109 karma

It is dying pretty fast, but there are places that are still taking staff on (and presumably for as long as archives exist, will continue to be taking staff on). Check out universities (colleges, if you're state-side) and school systems.

Just as a heads up, but I was chatting to some of the librarians where I study/work (PhD-academic-wannabe) and they were saying about how the school lets them study for qualifications in library sciences while working on the job. Might address some of the bill situations you were talking about, too.

Good luck, man.

howisstifflucky2 karma

I know this is nine hours late, but it's still something I'm interested in so fingers crossed!

Do you think there's anything beneficial about being diagnosed with Aspergers? As a bit of a supplementary, I've been wondering a lot about people that go under the radar, per say, not getting formally diagnosed because they've developed enough social skills before any system's been able to pick them up. Do you think this is possible, and what would be your advice to these people?

howisstifflucky1 karma

Just dropping you an answer to the first question. "Thinking" in a language is a skill that can only be developed during the plasticity period (basically, prior to the onset of puberty). If you learn a second language post-onset, no matter how adroit you become at deploying it you will always think in your native language and then convert to the second.