Highest Rated Comments

houinator2311 karma

Why does Politifact rate statements as true or false when the information needed to make that determination is not yet available? For example, at one point, you rated Barrack Obama's "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it" statement as an unqualified "true". Later on, in the run up to the 2012 election, you conceded that it was only "half-true". Yet, after the election when it no longer mattered, your organization not only admitted it was a lie, but was actually your 2013 "lie of the year". I get that not all the facts were available up front, but shouldn't that have prevented you from rating it in the first place?

houinator92 karma

If you have walked out on your patients, are they safe? Yes. I would not be out on strike if I didn't think my senior doctor colleagues and allied health professionals could provide safe and effective care.

Doesn't that undermine your position? If the government can provide safe and effective care without you and your colleagues, why do they need you?

houinator30 karma

Am I correct in assuming you are living in the Kurdish region of Iraq? If so, what is the relationship like between the refugees and the Kurdish government?

houinator26 karma

How do you see North Dakota's proposed Personhood Ammendment affecting the constitutionallity of Roe v Wade, especially in light of this line from the majority opinion in Roe v Wade: "If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment." (referring to the 14th ammendment).