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honestFeedback317 karma

So here's my thoughts.

Firstly - you totally switched the pencil between Jonathan circling the word and signing the page. So the word was pre-circled and Jonathan couldn't tell because he couldn't see the book when he used a fake pencil that didn't mark the page.

Secondly - that's NOT a UK scrabble rack an tile. My money is on the tiles were already on the bottom part of the rack and you flipped it over. So in order to do that - the originally upright part of the rack is magnetic and the tiles have metal in them - so you can flip the rack with the chosen tiles and they stay stuck on. (also you didn't let P&T inspect the rack and turned it face down at the end). This is also made more likely by the tiles being flat which they are not in the UK - they have little legs.

So the only part that's missing is why the contestants didn't say 'hey - I picked an 'H' and there's no H in lobster!'. And the reason is that the only letters in the sack were the letters in the word Lobster. The pickers didn't compare with each other what they had each picked - so as long as their letter was in Lobster they were happy - however for all we know you had one guy pick an 'L' and all the others picked an 'O'.

Edit: /u/sang-froidian has pointed out there is letter 'N' visible in the clip. My explanation is:

I'm going for a bag within a bag - the N was visible between the two bags but couldn't be taken by the pickers who only had access to the inside bag. The letters in the inside bag were only the letters in the word lobster.

edit 2 people are asking how there was only 1 guy that picked the L. First my thoughts:

He'd already seen all the tiles at that point. He knew there was only 1 L picked. He probably had a line prepared for every letter to use if only one of them got picked. And if he only got multiple letters he wouldn't have said anything at that point and nobody would have been any the wiser.

improved by /u/erietemperance

How about only 14 tiles in the bag, two of each letter, It would be mathematically impossible for there not to be at least 1 single letter since there are 7 people. Then he can call out the single letter and show that only one person had it.

honestFeedback278 karma

You missed this little gem. The west owes Ian smith an apology about ‘Rhodesia’. The guys a fucking apartheid fan.


honestFeedback218 karma

I was in an Egyptian Taxi two days ago. The driver made a good point that the problem with Egypt is the people are so poorly educated that they don't understand politics and democracy properly. He believed that the country needed a decade or more of good education to allow people to become politically literate enough to maintain a stable democracy.

He also said that he was pro-Morsi the man, but not as a politician - something I heard a number of times.

He was very thoughtful and clever driver. I was just gawping out of the window trying to spot camels.

Didn't spot any.

Edit: Many thanks for the gold!

honestFeedback151 karma

Jesus what a fucking bellend.

honestFeedback97 karma

To be fair, you think Alex Jones is funny - so perhaps don't use that as a yardstick in the future?