Highest Rated Comments

homie_down2 karma

Just have to say I found it funny you listing all these cool and serious things and then saying base 86s in osrs lol

homie_down1 karma

Hard disagree from me as well. There are just so many factors that you can't really make a blanket "not worth it" statement to everyone just from your assessment. My study abroad experience was absolutely life changing and the highlight of my college experience. AND it cost less than a semester at my school did. Yes money is an important consideration. But I wouldn't just write off studying abroad just because of cost or because you could live there for a year instead.

homie_down1 karma

I was always jealous of the people who did this since my school wouldn't accept credits for Semester at Sea :(.

My question is did everyone get tired of each other after a semester? I feel like being in such close quarters with people for so long would take a toll and by the end outside of your friend group you'd be ready to part ways with most everyone. Or it could be a huge family dynamic and I could be completely wrong.