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homegrowncountryboy25 karma

I knew a driver that used to keep what was left over and pump it out at his house, he had several like 300 gallon caged plastic tanks with pumps, gas nozzles and everything. He would sell the gas on the weekends when he was off, he would sell it like 25 cents cheaper then any gas station and word got out and the sheriff department would come over to control traffic.

homegrowncountryboy15 karma

Yeah it was a town of about 1,000 people that were mainly very poor, so nobody was going to say shit because they liked getting cheap gas plus everybody knows everybody. The only ones that weren't happy were the cops, because it was a small one lane road and you would end up with like 20 cars lined up so sometimes they would shut it down.

homegrowncountryboy8 karma

The smoking around fuel is actually a urban myth, there have been studies done on this and they tried everything and could never get the gas to light.


One particular study attempted over 2,000 different scenarios and situations where gasoline and a lit cigarette could interact, and not a single attempt resulted in the gasoline catching on fire.

homegrowncountryboy3 karma

Yeah of course a lighter can that is a no brainier, I'm willing to bet the mast majority of fires is caused by people getting back in their car while pumping gas like this and building up static electricity.

homegrowncountryboy2 karma

I think it is absolutely necessary to release the officer's name, for the simple fact that many of these officers have numerous complaints against them for violence. A perfect example would be the Federal Heights cop that had already been convicted for nearly breaking a man's arm. While he is in the process of beating the hell out of another guy no cops try to stop him, instead they are more worried about it being recorded and try to signal to him to stop because of his body camera.