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holyshmoke11 karma

Wow, isn't that the height of irony! Not to mention terrifying. Glad you and hopefully everyone else is still safe and thank you for continuing to do what you do despite the crazies in this world.

holyshmoke7 karma

First, thank you for doing what you do despite some of the horrific experiences you've had.

My questions are, what do you say to friends/family/strangers when they ask what you do and if you tell them and they respond negatively, what do you say then?

And second, what sort of studies/experience did you have or need to get into this line of work?

holyshmoke7 karma

Legally and morally, the option needs to be there for late term abortions if the fetus is say risking the woman's life. Viability is not guaranteed. Also, you cannot perform an abortion once a woman has gone into labour, you can only help the labour along at that point as the fetus is already on the way out. To do anything to stop the birth process unless its to protect the mothers life at that point, I would say yes would be immoral. But again, I don't want to live in a world where a potential life is put above the life of a currently living autonomous person.

holyshmoke5 karma

But it's a rather arbitrary sadness then, unless you vehemently believe life begins only at conception/fertilization, in which case, what's the proof? We don't mourn all the potential eggs/sperm lost every minute due to natural processes and masturbation, or those that are not fertilized/conceived due to birth control or natural miscarriages right?

holyshmoke4 karma

Don't tell the anti-choicers this, they really like to hold on to their belief that slutty sluttos have monthly abortions on the reg :/