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hitomaro5 karma

What was the worst you've seen someone get after attempting to deal with the bed bugs on their own? Hair-pullers, nail-biters, rocking in the corner?

hitomaro2 karma

What is a bee hotel and are they suitable for urban environments?

hitomaro2 karma

Thanks for your reply! Do you know of any companies selling bee hotels or have directions on how to build and care for your own?

hitomaro1 karma

Toru Hashimoto, a politician of a major city in Japan, recently stated at a press event that soldiers in Normandy raped French women and set up brothels of sorts after landing. He is attempting to use this information to take the edge off of Japan's wartime sex-related transgressions (comfort women, state-sponsored brothels). Do you think this is a fair comparison? How much did you know about this at the time? Rumors etc.

News story: http://news.yahoo.com/japan-mayor-says-allied-soldiers-raped-women-d-070624939.html

hitomaro1 karma

If I wanted to read a book or article on casuistry, where would I begin? I loved these episodes on Revisionist History, but wanted to know about source material or how to pursue exploring that way of thinking more. Any tips?